Businesses should go frugal!

Balkrishna C. Rao
1 min readAug 20, 2023

Its high time!!

Despite the emergence of frugality in products from different sectors, companies and relevant entities are not calling it as such. It is important to lock into frugal-engineering because tools like the “factor-of-frugality (FoF)” can facilitate systematic foray into advanced-frugal-innovations (AFIs) as opposed to the brute-force approach wherein engineering is riddled with many expensive trials!

Companies are not loath to spending on applied-research which makes their complacency in going frugal an expensive mistake in this age of climate change. Yes, one has to be careful with the need for rigorous application of tools such as FoF and hence steer clear of researchers who might not deliver on this front.

But a proper application of frugal-engineering principles through tools like FoF would significantly affect the bottom lines of companies in different sectors. This is because climate-change and other crises will significantly modify the way engineering is carried out and thus greatly affect companies’ profits.

Embrace frugal-engineering for a better future!

Please drop an email to me at “” or get to the contact-tab below to help you grow the frugal way!



Balkrishna C. Rao

Professor (ICCR Visiting Chair Leibniz University Hannover, Germany 2022), Engineering Design, IIT Madras.